Drain Cleaning Services in Montgomery and Berks Counties, PA
Severe weather and floods typically pop into mind when most people think about hazards. Unfortunately, other dangers can begin in your own residence. If your home or commercial property in Montgomery and Berks Counties, PA experiences sewage issues, avoiding help for it can foster disease and disaster. Whether it’s a small bathroom backup or a seriously overflowing toilet, coming in contact with any type of sewage water is dangerous. Rather than putting your health at risk, call Paul Davis Emergency Services to handle it.
Complete Backup Removal
The gross factor is not the only reason to steer clear of sewage. Disease-ridden gray and black water can leak into your drinking water in some cases of backups. The same disease found in sewers can spawn in sanitary, but standing water. For instance, Hepatitis A, E. Coli are a few of the illnesses found in sewer water.
If the seepage or backup is coming from the toilet trap or farther, it might carry black water that has touched unprocessed sewage. Typically black water has stayed stagnant for long enough to foster the growth of pathogens. Lake and river water might also contain black water. If you find a black water leak at your residence or office, call the Paul Davis Emergency experts promptly.
Serving Montgomery and Berks Counties, PA
Talk to Paul now if you come across a sewage leak. Our specialists are highly skilled in handling dangerous chemicals. We serve the Montgomery and Berks Counties, PA region with quick responding help for sewer backups, flooding and mold removal. Act now to treat the water. Reach us now to prevent further damage to your residence or business.